Welcome to the Absynthium Collective. This collection of synthesized creations was started way back in college, 2005. I needed something that was easy to orchestrate notes on a grid and sounded similar to limited qualities such as nintendo. I found my match! The sound was a little better, but it fit the flash games we made, entitled Thanatos and Sin Harvest. You can see my gaming college projects page for those. The software was by Synapse Audio and it was called ORION. These collections were once called Songs From Orion Volume One, Two, and Three. They ended at Continuum in 2006. The beginnings of Songs From Orion IV originally involved all of the tracks, including outtake trash, from Nervorum and the same for Polybius.

Polybius came after a gap of no music except silly shit on the side (See Goofy NSFW Nonsense) and there was also quite a gap afterwords unless you count Pixels, which was only half done. Pixels also was started in 2013 and the other half was added way after in 2018. The whole process of coming up with synth music haulted and was no longer fun, until Apolcalypso in 2017 was started and I was asked mid-year to work on a throwback shooter's soundtrack. THAT was cool.

After the release of Project Warlock on and then, I started working on all of this stuff again. First, I was asked to do another game on twitter and i was late getting the text. I constructed nearly a CD worth of material only to realize the moment has passed and they probably found someone else, because no one ever responded to my message. So that mess of awesomeness was split into dark and light, Dystopian and Lithium. I loved these two albums out of everything I had done, though many who have popped up and told me their favorites were happier in the 2005-2006 era of the first three to four albums. Next I made for my own mother one mini-CD that I've always wanted to make: SOMNIUM. It's working title years ago was Angels: An Ode To Sleep but I had lost the will to do all this stuff for a long time as I had mentioned earlier.

After Dystopian, Lithium, and Somnium, work began at the end of 2018 on CONTINUUM II. It was completed in 2019. This was the sequel to seemingly everyone's favorite full album. I mean it was pretty risky to change the sound, and the first one was a pretty risky experimental series of ideas. This sequel was more space. I also began a storyline for it hidden only in track titles. They go in order. It's kinda lame but lets you know that someday I'll work on part III. So that's it! The first 6 cds and 3 volumes of The Absynthium Collective. Next up is finishing MOMENTUM and its remaining two eps that make it up. . After that, CONTINUUM III and the two-disc PANDEMONIUM.