DECEMBER 12, 2024

A few things are new since I brought this paticular website back to being my desktop version. An album for fun I made that fits on a floppy disk happened. Two EPS, Opium and Sanctum were released. Odium and Gatherum are next. This site is now in the /version3 folder so that cache won't load the old, old one if you've been here before!

JANUARY 6, 2024

New Year, New Design. This website layout will be my last. That isn't a bad thing, because a lot of time has always went into remodelling it from scratch, and I am freeing myself and yourself now of that time. I am not saying it is "done." It will never be done, I'll just expand on it without letting unnecessary wasted time get in my way. I dropped OrangeHost immediately and I am using a free server linked from neocities free account, still linked from my domain. I will keep renewing further into the future in case anything happens to me :) It'll still remain. I am now permanently focused on the projects and inner pages instead of the overall. I hope you enjoy my final website! It will never end until long after I do.

DECEMBER 1, 2023

Behold in all its glory the Noisebox USB drive. You can order this here to get everything serious that I have made to date, and then some. It features 8 albums of instrumental guitar stuff as well as a huge amount (hundreds of tracks) of synth stuff as well. You can sample the Project Warlock OST and also hear my few songs that have vocals, from the ep "stitchedtogether" and the cover song "mad world" all for my wife. She is also the artist behind the casing and the usb.

OCTOBER 20, 2023

I am now working on a future mod for DOOM featuring several hundreds of levels. Don't get too excited, because most of them are my very firsts. I am working on the connector hub level themed to a town that has the section "Vintage Plaza Est. 1995" so far, which links AT LEAST 300 maps within quite a few episodes to the main hub. It follows my mapping from the VERY beginning in case any one wants to feel better about theirs ;) There will be updates to the alpha version and beyond in the section under "Gaming Stuff" right underneath the doom megasite project.

OCTOBER 11, 2023

I have four minicomp books to help me through the rest of the week. Dollar Tree is a hell of a quick fix. One I already had for Cherry Rounders. "DOOM" will have the changes I will be making to the "dybbuk's doom stuff" section including new wads and wad ideas. "LYRICS" is my future music that does have words I'm currently planning, and the "WWW.LEHR.ME" Minicomp book is the lists book of things I've yet to do to this 2022 site to bring it forward to 2023 and fix broken links, etc. I'm hoping this website setup will be my last main one, and will continue to be added to for as long as I do this.

OCTOBER 9, 2023

I've basically resurrected an older site from last year to continue work on just a few days ago, so hang tight. I'll be updating every section one at a time. As usual, I added more sections without finishing the last ones. Since I'm older and redoing the site all the time from the state is more and more redundant, hopefully I'll just stick with my favorite.

The resolution width must be at least 1920, but if your screen is smaller you can always hold control and hit minus a few times until it matches your width. I'll also have a mostly-music minimal mobile version for phones.

AUGUST 29, 2023

My wife's birthday was today and I revealed on facebook for the world to see my little ep of four songs I made her as well as the mad world cover ;) She said it put her into tears when she first heard more than one of the songs. It starts off with a 8-line poem "After The Rain" then blends to a pop-grunge sounding track "Stitched Together." The favorite of a lot of people I let hear this at work ended up being the next track, "Two Trees." Two Trees was originally a poem for Valentine's Day 2022 that I wrote all day while working a 12-hour shift in case her gift didn't show up on time in the mail. "Blank Paper" is my own favorite. listen and/or buy at bandcamp!

JULY 29, 2023

My wife's birthday is exactly one month from now, August 29th 2023. She doesn't normally visit my website or come to my bandcamp because she's already heard all of my music. Except the one I'm about to record for her, Mad World. This version is the Gary Jules style from 2001 in the movie Donnie Darko. It was originally a Tears for Fears song in the 1980's but I am doing it the 2001 way. Not only is this her absolute favorite song, but the lyrics of the second verse also include the words "Happy Birthday" twice. If you have the time before then, please let me know if there's anything I could do differently with this primitive draft, or if it sounds final enough. I do plan on doing more remixes and songs.

JULY 15, 2023

I am stepping back from the website for a while. Though the music stuff isn't fully linked up you can still go here to my bandcamp page.

The reason I am departing is simply I AM PROGRAMMING SOMETHING SUPER BADASS!!!!!! This will of course take several weeks if I do all I'm planning, but the traditional "NOISEBOX ONE" will be done in just a couple weeks I hope.

JUNE 24, 2023

The internet is about to be turned back on... I have re-labelled this site for the alias DYBBUK 81. Favorites and all other pages will still be made for here. It is just under new ownership as it seems, but all this stuff was made by me.

MAY 20, 2023

It's almost midway through 2023 and I have some plans for the summer and beyond. Firstly, my current works are as follows:

  • THE NOISE VAULTS The Machines Melodies and Mayhem Trilogy... (The Blueprint, The Prototype, and The Structure) No work has been done yet to these albums.

  • THE ABSYNTHIUM COLLECTIVE Currently working on the MOMENTUM 2-Disc Set. This so far has 2 completed EPs of the 6 planned, Bellum and Tantrum.

  • CHERRY ROUNDERS "Crazy Chaos Magic" album in recording process. I'm hoping to finish this in 2023 depending on free time and desire.

  • PROJECT WARLOCK 2 This soundtrack is my current MAJOR project meant to overshadow all of the others.

    As for physical releases, I have five planned. FIVE! One includes two of which on a flash drive though. "Cherry Rounders: I Eat Poop The Mega-Collection" will be everything Cherry Rounders from 1999-2005 including a 2006 "live" EP on three audio cds. Will and Jerry will have a three audio cds full of everything we've ever recorded short of just the instrumentals, which you can get online anyway. The Noise Vaults 1-6 will have the complete 2001-2005 recordings, redux style, with a blackjack game on disc 7 featuring nsfw voiceovers by myself and friends, and a full background soundtrack I did. The Absynthium Collective will have 7 cds as well, featuring 2 for OMNIUM 2 for CONTINUUM I AND II and 2 for DELIRIUM. Each 2CD volume will have several smaller EPs included. The seventh disc will be outtakes. Finally, the fifth and final release is THE NOISE BOX which fill feature new artwork, an armaray case, and a flash drive inside with all of the absynthium and noise vaults releases listed prior to this in high-quality MP3 format ;)
  • MAY 7, 2023

    Welcome to the future. Here is a TO-DO list of all the things I want to accomplish both in web design and in music before 2024. I may fall short or I may do more, who knows. It's spring, almost summer, and both seasons will require less work but bring in less money. Other than my wife's promotion, my possible promotion-to-be, music royalties from songcast, and a yard sale where I finally get rid of over half my unnecessary belongings, I will be broke and bored. What better time?

    APRIL 30, 2023

    I've done some cleaning up. The doom megasite link works now! Its the old version I've yet to change the headers on. Each page will have a different BETTER doom font header. I've also recreated the home section to be handwritten, reversed, and colorized. The section I'm currently working on is the All College Projects Section, which will feature not only just No Limits Blackjack but also everything else I did at ITT Technical Institute that I've kept over the years.

    APRIL 22, 2023

    A couple weeks ago for about a week I was messing with Cherry Rounders again. I have about 9 tracks though some are skits or interludes as part of a connection of song-to-song or to tell a somewhat story. The site is now handwritten, reversed, then colorized. There are two demo tracks on this site, and the full album will hopefully be ready for streaming and downloading this year. There is however an issue with songcast not allowing pitch shifts, so I may use

    APRIL 1, 2023

    Today I uploaded what I have so far. Most of the noise vaults and absynthium collective is NOT on the new version, but the old version is still here. CHERRY'S NOT DEAD! This month I just scored $71 on the 20th for royalties from ONE SONG twenty-three years ago. I've been writing out more stupid ideas for more music for the fans that still stream and look for this stuff! TANTRUM was released. Not my best, but its the latest in the absynthium collective on bandcamp.

    MARCH 31, 2023

    The new site, "WEBSITE_2023-C" in my folders, is now being completely gutted and refinished.

    Chances are it will take longer than expected due to the amount of work and the lack of time, but I'll get it. To visit the old site, click here. The new one will be unfinished for a bit, and you are on it, so remember to control and F5 every visit.

    MARCH 25, 2023

    Well, shit has obviously been changed. Hello, and welcome to my new website! It took a couple weeks off and on finding time when not working long hours and sleeping to finally get this put together, and I hope you enjoy it! A lot of the top menu has been condensed, as the whole thing has been rewritten with easier navigation in mind. THE NOISE VAULTS and THE ABSYNTHIUM COLLECTIVE now have their own subsites!

    03.25.2023 WEBSITE #2023C is currently "yet to be uploaded" until completely finished, minus probably the handwritten site. #2023B is what you will see for the time being, though I am not even uploading this news yet.

    03.24.2023 I am redoing it slightly to have less menu options. The handwritten site will return later, revamped and FINISHED, as well as everything else is intended to be. I just am out a printer/scanner that works. I may just use the library down the road if I get bored enough with free time to go with it.

    02.11.2023 I added all the "Dice Coins and Cards" games except Quadris still needs transferred to the computer from papers. Frustration has been rendered as a pdf file for alternate download/printing. The "My Music" section will soon have a youtube section for stills and a "Noisebox USB" section describing this "very soon" release. All that's left to complete before the release is the full Visual Basic menu system as well as the actual real artwork for the center of the cover, by Nate Vaught. Nate Vaught also did a lot of the Cherry Rounders artwork as well as the official cover for "Will and Jerry."

    02.09.2023 Well, it's done! That's right. All that's left is a series of days involving me spending an hour here and there freaking adding hundreds of links to the cesspool of links. That's it! Enjoy ;)

    02.08.2023 That should about do it! Everything works I think. All I need to work on is the "Cesspool of Links" section and of course add what songs I have for "Jerald Wonk." and delete "Mister Wenis" until I actually make the music.

    The "Cesspool of Links" will be stored on the service through my paid account, when I actually pay for it after the tax return when I have a small allowance for the website fundings.

    02.07.2023 What was I saying about dropping off of the web site for a while? Ha, no. The All-In-One page is now split with a drop down menu I paid for. Yep. I'm also going to pay for the links repository. Both were only like $10 a year, much like the C-Box I already pay for too.

    Anyways, this site isn't near complete for a couple days. You can still visit the one from last week and weeks before that was all-in-one right here. It's not gone yet. The new one will be exactly the same just split up and added to.

    02.03.2023 Well today was a blast having a copy of my anniversary date night again this time with the kids. We ate at a very nice Mexican restaurant (Leon's) and watched the PG-13 horror flick M3GAN. Austin suprisingly was not in fear of his life, and I can mark one horror movie off of his anti-horror movie stance. We even hit up Barnes and Noble just like the original date night. In the realm of web design I kind of dropped off the main site for a while and my planning in books went from AI arrangements on Noisebox 1 to actual Personal Archives collections only for myself to buy (Still getting there) with literally everything I've ever recorded since age 8 I've managed to keep (including tapes). A couple nights back I updated the cherry rounders' bandcamp profile/shop to have literally everything done under that character's name recorded since 1998. I have also recently purchased to redirect to my neocities page on the subject, which is also embedded in this site!

    01.20.2023 Offday fun! Ok so real life I had to get a lot of shit done today for the life and the family and the money stuff but this past week I stumbled (probably way late) upon AI Art generation on a site I can actually recommend. My AI of choice is definetely and it is completely free if you just need 512x512 images to play around with or use for random stuff. So yeah my tracks for absynthium, all 200+ have their own images now. I am embedding my wife and daughter's art and technically I did already now just above the "my favorite things" section, but they are going to have a huge upgrade/makeover to look like self-functioning real sites that actually took some good work to them. I am working next on "The Noise Vaults" tracks now having 100+ AI images, and then the real official paid-for-art-for-it "NOISEBOX ONE" in a CD Case with a USB stick inside for like 20 bucks. There are 300+ tracks, maybe even 400+ I haven't really checked all of it yet but there's 20 years worth of material. You're literally paying a DOLLAR for a whole year of music. To top it off I've already started on NOISEBOX TWO.

    01.14.2023 I've been doing some small things here and there whilest planning for slightly bigger things like a Cherry Rounders redux saga, fixed from all the demo albums and FINALLY a thing. I'm doing this for the money haha. I get $30 a month in royalties from that one damn "I Eat Poop" song and I planned on adding to that since like 2015. I will restart the saga and give it a newer beginning, encapsulating the whole life of Cherry Rounders on multiple discs. It may be similar to the original 2006-2007 saga but with more parody than originals, so that it will come off more funny, and take some more work for the finished product. It will be sold on-demand on Trepstar as long as it gets an order every 300 days it'll be allowed to stay up, so please pay some respect and donate to the cause!

    01.08.2023 The Kids have a computer again. Go stepdad Jerry! Anyways, it's a new year. I wrote a blog about it all. Things are coming things are going, etc etc. Just read the blog instead!

    12.25.2022 Merry Christmas Viewers! I have finally updated the mid-section of Project Warlock to have WORDS. It also has the Gmanlives review and more words to come definitely. Currently I am working on "The Noise Vaults" brief album descriptions so that you know what is going on with them and whatnot. You may notice I haven't updated the handwritten site in quite a while. I will, once I get a working scanner again. I don't know what's wrong with it but it's back in the box and I may try it one last time before getting a new one. Pages are written for the handwritten site, just no access to a scanner ;( My kids got their Christmas computers and iPhones and seem pretty happy lately. I'm off work early for Christmas. All is good. Can't wait for, you know, my little family to wake up and all.

    12.03.2022 Updated/Started all gaming links on the Links Repository on the bottom!

    11.26.2022 The main frontpage shell is done. I just have to do "inner" things like subpages of subpages, etc. I haven't done much to the handwritten site lately. I need to take this time to get back to Project Warlock 2's OST for a while though. Wish me luck!

    11.19.2022 I have pretty much finished the new "opening full page" layout. The most recent additions are Cherry Rounders' and Will and Jerry's live concert pics. This was a short-lived period where Will throught we would be super rich and famous but I had a gut feeling it wouldn't go that far. 2006-2013 is the span of time devoted to this stuff, while 2016 saw the end of Will and Jerry and 2017 saw the new beginning of everything else! If you just slowly scroll down this front page (which is a full website) you'll find quite a bit of stuff. Return visitors might even find stuff they missed on the handwritten site, which I will super-update NEXT!

    11.14.2022 I've been on two offdays. Today is the second. I don't even know where to begin. My monitor had been dropped and the cord frayed, thus it was doomed. Turns out all I needed was an HDMI I found (I'm broke moneywise) and didn't need the DigitalInput Cord whatever the hell its called anyway. But anyways, a LOT is different on the main opening page...

    11.13.2022 Top "Noise Vaults" albums on this website now include #5-8, A Taste of Euphoria, Lost Relics, Makina, and Plugged. The arrangement was going to be different but I needed them in this way for Noisebox, plus I hadn't released much in a while so I jumped the gun. 9-12 coming probably next year in a chunk, unless I do them one at a time.

    11.08.2022 What started as the demo for the album Momentum is now the first of six EPs that will go to it. This eight-song EP is called Bellum.

    11.04.2022 I have uploaded (for now 99 tracks until some are moved back) an outtakes album on bandcamp called (LOST IN) OBLIVION. It is here. I also updated the main shell of this website to have the EPs and not the three 160min sets anymore. I like this representation of the synth stuff better. Soon I'll have physical versions I promise.

    10.16.2022 I released a demo of 20 tracks for MOMENTUM, which will eventually be over 60, across 4 35-minute EPs. Enjoy it through this link.

    10.11.2022 I've been working on both Noisebox Online, an application for windows that plays all my music from an online source and weighs almost nothing in filesize, and the Project Warlock II OST. I haven't had much time for web design and the list of things to do for that are overwhelming as shit. But I'll attempt to get there!

    10.03.2022 Updated small things on the main index & of course MADE the main index. It links all of my subsite versions and some things within them as well as external sites such as the Classic Game Sanctuary and the Classic DOOM Megasite. The albums are right there on the front page to click and listen, as well as the links and a new "Miscellaneous Nonsense" Graffiti Post.

    09.12.2022 The 1996 "Noose" music page is up, accessible from Collaborations, as well as the Jerry and Will page of instrumentals and a few vocal tracks from 2003. I'm currently working on a game for "Consequencus of Dice."

    09.11.2022 CTRL+F5!! The rest of the Cherry Rounders pages exist, with the links to the free downloads to hear (If you reaaaaaally wanna) but the Will and Jerry isn't written yet.

    09.09.2022 Control+F5 <- Remember!!! The "Old Joke Nonsense" is my next small portio to do. I've added the "I CAN D0 1T AL50" original cherry rounders album from 1999, but no sublinks yet tonight!

    09.08.2022 Remember to hold Control and press F5 every time you visit!! The "Consequencus Games" page has been added to this website, though none of its sub-links work because most of them don't exist yet. Keep checking back! I'll update on anything added when applicable.

    09.07.2022 Remember to hold Control and press F5 every time you visit!! The news diary has been added, which is basically a checklist of things I still need to work on. These won't take as long as one would think ;)

    09.06.2022 The Noise Vaults has its 12 albums linked up, though 10 of which say coming soon. You can refresh the main index each visit then check if you wanna see the final products soon...

    09.05.2022 "Personally Handwritten" Personal Website is now LIVE! There was an issue with me having to finish it first only because pages would need refreshed as well as images every time someone came back if I changed anything later. If the page is external from anything initially loaded by the index, it simply would not refresh without right clicking and refreshing every frame, which would suck for the visitor. So INSTEAD You'll see 20+ little white dots at the bottom of this index. That's every single subpage loaded in a 1x1 pixel box. Now if you come back all you have to do is refresh the main index like it says by hitting control and F5, as always, and they all update. Also, if I change a graphic I'll just add the next number to the end and create a new one. This way you don't have to manually type in the graphic's address and hit refresh, which is completely stupid anyway ;)

    08.30.2022 Still handwriting a full journal to be used as my next website, full of imagemaps. It will be done SOON! see also, my daughter's website:

    08.23.2022 I am currently working still on the minimalized website, but I'm handwriting it! See previews... here

    08.15.2022 I have minimilized this website further into almost nothing ;) ...and I'm keeping it this way for a while since I have shit to do. Feel free to leave a message and make my day!

    08.08.2022 I have officially put the other two versions of this website on hold to make room for a new minimal version that may or may not be the only version soon. I rather like the "storyline" setup with the contents being on the right, but have still yet to finish the left panel and redo the right. This is a possibility, and is not set in stone. Photos returning soon of things. Its "commented out" for now.

    07.19.2022 I have uploaded the early beginnings of "The Emulation Museum" just after the MS-DOS Gameriot section.

    06.27.2022 My daughter AilaB's art is on the bottom of the 1920+ high resolution site now. Links (Games,Music) Restored and social media buttons created/imported. There are no links from those at the moment.

    06.21.2022 The newest site remodel has occured for the 1920+ high resolution version! I've rehosted my page on forever so that neocities can simply track it, and I can "iframe" other sites again. Yeah, fuck neocities in that regard! And in refreshing required all the time of course. You can still message me there, and I'm still paying my bill for now. Most stuff is set up already, but the GAMERIOT! and MUZAKFIEND! pages still need made. I'll have much more stuff added later.

    06.16.2022 Sitemap and IRC pages created today. IRC Channel started yesterday on Koshka's server. Minor touch-ups here and there like background by metalvalley on The Noise Vaults added. I also put large artwork by Nate Vaught from 2011 on both Cherry Rounders and Will and Jerry pages. The Cherry Rounders site by the way is a major work in progress that won't be done for a LONG ass time I would imagine, since it's going to, you know, be six cds telling a super long but amusing story.

    04.20.2022 Some of you get high on this day. Not I. But go you ;) Honestly all I did since yesterday was add explanative lines to certain things and an explanation also on "WORDS" that it will change soon. Remember when you return to pages right click and refresh frame. always. I don't know what else to say I don't know nonexistant magic code. Cache sucks. Anyways I rearranged the menu and added a couple options like the "FUNNY" page is back under music and has content. COINS is coming. I made most of the boring ass game for people that are out and don't carry a die or dice around with them everywhere like my weird ass.

    04.19.2022 Every menu option now has a red counterpart. If you hover the mouseover changes it to and from red. It looks like an official modern website or program now. Other than that and a few other small updates, the page itself is index2 now as index, where you start, will let you choose between computer version and mobile version. The mobile version is coming soon.

    03.29.2022 All pages that aren't finished now at least have placeholders instead of "404/File Not Found" messages. I just ask you right click each page and "Refresh Frame" in order to get the most updated version. I changed this news page to not only have site updates but also big news. "START" menu will now have a full sitemap under "PAGES." I'm working on a mod called Bee's Doom which is currently the only "Big News." In the future this section will be reserved for FINISHED works.

    03.21.2022 Updated/Transferred all music-related links to the links section from the original "Cesspool of Links" If you already visited, right click it and hit refresh frame within the actual page itself.

    03.13.2022 I jumped the gun and uploaded before it was finished! Everyone is doing it, why can't I? Upon return visits, right click and 'refresh frame' everywhere just in case. My main external with my website is toast, but luckily I have a TWO WEEK OLD archive of my website progress, which kind of sucks at the same time. I'll get to doing a lot of this over again, but hey, it's like a second draft. Maybe I'll fix things which seem ridiculous or embarassing or something. Choices of words, etc. Small things.

    02.28.2022 Finishing touches are being applied to the website's look and feel, etc. I might borrow old text about the same subjects from older sites to speed things up a bit, because this shit ain't going up until its complete to my judgement.

    02.14.2022 I'm redoing the site (for the what, 78th time? heh) to be without all pages having video, that was crazy. now the art my wife did for me gets to be bigger and not on some tiny-assed button. I choose not to upload this site until all is complete, however.

    02.07.2022 I have the about section to now be a video, meant to be added to or changed. A LOT of this website will function this way now, since tons of words isn't something most with short attention spans would enjoy! Ha.

    01.24.2022 So I'm redoing it all again with a new structure. I'm also working on Visual Basic media player softwares, unique to each MP3-ROM I'm going to sell, and ISO of course. See 'Merch' for info on those.

    01.18.2022 For two weeks I had been tweaking the Noisebox program to work on a dvd or flash drive. Now that I randomly got the idea to test an online file I have new plans. cds again. six of them. this is just a crazy idea if 2023's tax check is big enough, but half of the stuff will be online (the outtakes and funny stuff) and the other half accessible on the disc. There will also be a free version on that has it all online with no access to the MP3s.

    01.07.2022 So my son has Covid-19. We've all been tested and I must quarantine for work until the results come. The first night of me killing time involved me finally figuring out the code in vb.2010 for playing music on my new project "Noisebox.exe" which is a remake of a program I wrote in 2004. This was originally a college project to link up all of my music and play it from an MP3 CD-ROM and I passed these around for a while on CD-R. Now that it is 2022, obviously there is a lot more music to be linked. I'm still debating between a physical dual-layered dvd disc in a case or a USB flash stick. I might even use and go the Gigabox route. That is a flash drive AND a disc in an armaray case.

    12.26.21 I have removed the external sites from the bottom and replaced them with an intro. They will be linked throughout the site itself in various places.

    12.21.21 Updated Songcast Music Profile for stuff like spotify, etc. All albums that are currently available will be listed here, including the "shock" NSFW stuff from years ago. Speaking of, there's a COMEDY CORNER on the bottom linked to the very unfinished official cherry rounders website and landing page. Other than that I haven't done a lot of updating due to crazy work hours in peak season.

    12.12.21 Well, work is consuming a lot of my time, though I am off today, so. hey. Might drink tequila after the christmas shopping, might web design later, might pass out and enjoy my rest. who knows.

    12.06.2021 The New Noise Redux Series, as well as a complete redo of the page itself, is now on the Jerry Lehr Music page.

    11.31.2021 I have planned in my newest large journal all of the external sites on the bottom in outline draft. Soon I'll have the filler ready to translate and fill in. I will be hopefully doing this at work if I'm on a certain job area where I can occasionally jot things down. That is not a promise.

    11.30.2021 Moneycards work wonders! Now I have another month of neocities without a card being on file. Only the top section works! The full external websites on the bottom are all works in progress, starting with Doom.

    11.29.2021 Due to fixing up a hacker's mess, I do not put my card on anything, even neocities. Currently I have no subscription but will. If you came to my page a lot before I lost upload capabilities for a while, You'll see many updates that weren't shown until later. I'll be getting a money card soon and paying my neocities bill because I can't NOT upload. It's just not in me anymore. Since these updates aren't confined to one line of a paticular length anymore and I sized the new window with courier font wrong on purpose to achieve this even in the past updates, I can make them a lot longer now ;)

    11.23.2021 I've been up all night and I can't say I've really done much, just uploading stuff to be used on the doom page

    11.22.2021 Server reconfiguring for the new year. The first four noise vaults are ready for free download or $1 streaming

    10.13.2021 I have started a long and crazy process of redoing all of my old music. Synth with Guitar, Guitar with Synth

    10.04.2021 Because of yesterday's discovery, I've started uploading all my sites again. DOOM is coming back!!!

    10.03.2021 I have discovered CyberDuck/WebDav. Now I can just upload my entire site instead of going folder by folder.

    09.29.2021 The archived childhood rap tapes from 4th-6th grade are here. I'll work soon on getting more converted.

    09.28.2021 Archiving childhood rap/guitar cassettes to MP3. These may pop up somewhere on here sometime soon.

    09.27.2021 I finally finished all the writing on the descriptive part of Jerry Lehr Music, inc. Absynthium and future

    09.26.2021 Updated some links on the MODBOX links portion, not the 6-game first portion. The Cesspool has more too

    09.21.2021 The Miscellaneous page has been added, and finished. All of the links go somewhere and all have content.

    09.20.2021 My wife's artwork, Arts By Bee, is now included, and finished, for the first time in its own existance.

    09.19.2021 Offday. got GTA5 and FiveM recommended by my brother. Haven't played yet. Still reworking a lot of the site.

    09.16.2021 This site is now super minimal as I put it back together. Still on but under 'dybbuk'

    09.15.2021 SHIT IS BROKEN! denied my service so in the next couple days I'm quickly migrating my stuff

    09.14.2021 I have added to quite a few pages within the Cesspool of Links. Also, migration to still going

    09.13.2021 day two of migrating all I want. One huge perk is that neocities doesn't like to put outside sites in iframes.

    09.12.2021 migrating all files to unlimited hosting. address remains the same, just want to one-click upload

    09.11.2021 tonight/this morning in the AM, I'm working on Cherry Rounders and Will and Jerry subsites with goofy shit.

    09.10.2021 For the DOOM Megasite Project, I've linked all of the megawads page's graphics to actual downloads/links.

    09.02.2021 Downloaded four programs in an attempt at making interactive fiction: Quest, Squiffy, Twine, and Inform 7.

    09.01.2021 X-BOARDS FRUSTRATION! is complete. All 13 levels. See how to play/make then give it a try!!

    08.31.2021 The new site design is now current. I will update as the rest of the side menu options are finished!!

    08.30.2021 The site is getting a SLIGHT redesign. The menu will be on the right and have sub-options. Currently offline.

    08.24.2021 CD Purchase link on Jerry Lehr Music with all albums, news blog added, rearranged albums

    08.22.2021 'Plugged' album now has a CD. See music page "Noise Diaries" for details. New Quake is FUN!

    08.14.2021 I have now reverted to a website shell from November of 2020. I used the newer "middle" pages

    07.25.2021 'Makina' page updated on Jerry Lehr Music to reflect bandcamp info. Cool 3D cube added to top left.

    07.24.2021 The site is already changed over offline. I slaved for hours. Just awaiting permissions for the layout.

    07.23.2021 I "borrowed" a script from neocities user METAMORPHOSIS who had also borrowed it. New layout!

    07.21.2021 I have officially finished the newest 2021 album "PLUGGED." others (redux of noise diaries) to follow!

    07.19.2021 Heavily updating the tapes menu for "Jerry Lehr Music". Information will come to each page soon/tomorrow

    07.14.2021 Working on a new album called PLUGGED. I have just broke 300,000 views!!

    06.30.2021 Be sure to refresh the college frame. I will soon have a GAMES.EXE self-made minigames section

    06.28.2021 I have linked up BADLEVLS and NITEMARE to the original doom mods section. The mods are available!

    06.27.2021 I have won 1st place on the neo-neighborhoods annual Lunar Awards! Huge honor considering the 2nd

    06.26.2021 I am in the process of redoing the full original doom mods section. The contents will take a long time

    06.21.2021 Project Warlock 2 now has 16 tracks for theme 1 to pick through, 5 for theme 2, and like 6 for theme 3

    06.20.2021 Added to sidemenu with X-Boards official. I've been working on Project Warlock 2 now

    06.19.2021 Moved the X-Boards site away to its own page. Click the X-Boards graphic still to enter

    06.18.2021 My wife finished off the artwork for the modbox addendum. Now the quake logo plus raven games exists!

    06.17.2021 Did a lot of non-computer stuff today, one Project Warlock 2 track, and my wife's Wolf3d art is up!

    06.16.2021 My wife's sketch of Commander Keen has been implemented into the modbox addendum. Wolf3D soon!

    06.15.2021 More artwork by my wife for the purpose of this website will be integrated soon. More band samplers too

    06.14.2021 Now added: Awolnation, Alt-J, System of a Down, Green Day, The Offspring. No band pics on anything yet.

    06.13.2021 Friends were over, no web design. Now: Alice In Chains and Stone Temple Pilots added to band samplers

    06.12.2021 Favorite Bands Additions: Beck, Dandy Warhols, Nirvana, The Presidents, Pearl Jam, and Garbage. More soon.

    06.11.2021 I have finally altered the favorite bands section to be an embedded frame. Nine Inch Nails works first!

    06.11.2021 10 Mods for Doom You Absolutely Need Nice article! The rest of today was, the dentist. Vacation's over!

    06.10.2021 American McGee made a 90's DM map? Nice! Also updated the minimilistic profile.

    06.09.2021 Me again, drinking, I'm drunk hi. I just embedded my two favorite college video projects. The rest, no.

    06.09.2021 Happy Birthday To Me! June 9th, Sixty Nine! Doom Basic Cheats added. Going to work on Warlock II tonight

    06.08.2021 Finished Doom Minisite's Alphas Beta Sharewares & Patches Section. Now the Doom ISOs page is linked right

    06.07.2021 Re-added Keen and Wolfenstein 3-D Mods. Working again on college area: Added Shadows. Need Videos now

    06.06.2021 Full website uploaded to Neocities now. I'll upload as I go. The Modbox: Mario section is complete!

    06.05.2021 OFFLINE UPDATE: Updated College Games. Might upload early unfinished for project warlock 2 news.

    06.04.2021 OFFLINE UPDATE: Added Pi and College/Clickteam. Updated Warlock subsite. Erased right frame of dybbuk

    06.03.2021 Summer time! Super updated site, mostly if not all finished, coming Fall or Winter 2021. Enjoy for now!

    05.29.2021 There is a lot of work to be done. If you are just getting here, A lot of this setup isn't functional :(

    05.28.2021 The dybbuk and doom megasites have now been included with this site. Now maybe I'll finish the doom one.

    05.27.2021 I've decided to mix a hell of a lot of old websites up into one, then have the dybbuk site seperate.

    05.23.2021 right now I am working on a secondary gaming website based off of one from 2000. It'll be done soon!

    04.16.2021 currently done with one simple simple 10 minute-made level for Z-Chambers 4 (Doom). doing more! HAHA

    04.01.2021 the static show has 2 episodes available under the miscellaneous section. They are going to be 80 mins.

    03.30.2021 warlock hitting PS4 in physical disc format with soundtrack. Static Show 1 has been uploaded to youtube

    03.08.2021 pc having blu ray burner being installed with 12tb hd and some repairs. Luckily everything is on a usb drive.

    02.26.2021 site now broken up into smaller bits. not everything is moved. I'll get to that, and update accordingly.

    02.25.2021 started. Hopefully I'll reach a thousand boards again but this time have people use them.

    02.19.2021 Here is Luke Wilson, my partner for Project Warlock, doing a related podcast also about his music.

    02.18.2021 removed discord widget box. Too many errors on the server. Doom megasite migrated to neocities now

    02.16.2021 in the breakroom at work very early due to blizzard. Created a full media player section just underneath here

    02.15.2021 too many updates to list! I was off two days. Enjoy! The page has quadrupled in length since two days ago

    02.14.2021 new Beck /w Gorillaz. Squadron 51 looks fantastic! Tapes: Nocturnal Obeisance, Valscharuhn, & Longmoan.

    02.13.2021 visit to friend Allen's came with gifts! 3D Printed Space Invaders Guitar Picks and by request a Doom Logo!

    02.12.2021 lots of site changes and updates cosmetically. Inclusion into award sites and neocities neighborhoods.

    02.10.2021 Learned about NES Maker and found 60+ Nowhere-else-to-be-found Nintendo game roms on that site.

    02.04.2021 Working on a Dungeon Synth album or two I may or may not ever release ;) Gatherum:Sanctum and Odium

    02.03.2021 Added social media links and various profiles section. Finishing up on X-Boards Frustration. A PDF will happen.

    02.02.2021 I added from old plans three more levels to X-Boards frustration, but I have 4 more to go. Varients also.

    01.31.2021 Top secret soundtrack still in works 14 finalized tracks in, Static Show on hold until bored again.

    01.30.2021 Yep. New format in less than a month again. This is an all-in-one pager, Lots of red and orange

    01.15.2021 More writing on THE STATIC SHOW at work, several menu upgrades for website.

    01.12.2021 I have been debating starting a mostly-music podcast for my original stuff called THE STATIC SHOW

    01.07.2021 I mean, of course I made a new format. Did you expect me not to? My wife's art is still here though ;)