X-BOARDS is a game you can make yourself, which is the fun part. Its for bored individuals with time to kill who have nothing better to do or are confined somewhere with no computer and just dice paper and a pen. This may seem like an unusual circumstance but I always have a dice usually with me, since I have so many. I spent a lot of time in my early years drawing video game designs and making basic board games to pass time when I was somewhere I either didn't want to be (like school) or was just generally bored and needed something challenging to play around with. I also have a wooden version of this made years back with help from a friend. With it you create a blank board for someone else and flip the block to reveal an X on the other side. Its really easy to make and kids may or may not just use it as building blocks, who knows. Personally its mind numbing to me to just roll dice and try to jump all the X's. You can really use all sorts of mediums to accomplish this.

This is a game I came up with again when I was ten or eleven, so be nice. haha. It featured levels made on stapled paper. I had no artistic skills, but they used to have boss levels and enemies. You start on the start space and try to make your way to the exit without landing on any spaces marked with X, or death spaces. If you land on one, you go back to start and try again. Once you cross all these death traps and make it past a level, you never have to return to that level. Once you clear the final level, you beat the game. This game is single player only! Hey, when you're bored you're bored.


FRUSTRATION is a variant of X-Boards that is already made on paper. There are thirteen levels. It is available as an HTML file that prints one level per page, or a PDF that does the same, but is more portable. The levels gradually get more difficult but there are some soft spots here and there. Beware level 13 is all I can say. On the brighter side, it is a short final level!


CONSEQUENCUS is a game of consequence, and where you end up next depends on your roll, flip, or draw. It is like a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book only you don't choose anything. Your fate is decided by a die, coin, or a card every time. It is also coming soon.


FRUSTRATION 2 will be a much longer sequel, now with warp spaces, onward and backward jump spaces, orientation-switching arrows, and other old ideas I'm throwing in now. The boards will last longer but be a little more appealing than the same old thing. Instead of a 7x7 grid, there's now an 11x9 grid. This will allow for more variations in how the boards are actually laid out. I will also be either using a better graphics layout system in the html format, or ONLY have a pdf format created with Excel and printed to PDF. Chances are I'll go the HTML route so I can make it more graphically appealing and less of a drag to look at.