Behold a once semi-viral cartoon creation that spanned an early life from 1999-2006 and ceased to exist for a long time. It started as an offspring of a three piece joke band that spawned from a real band and was just fucking around one summer. I got a little heavily into annoying them with my own character. In 2000 I started rerecording a few of the songs but quit, leaving them on my hard drive. In 2001 I had a fanclub and had no clue why or how! My friend called me up and I had this feeling he had done it for me as a joke too! What happened was I installed file-sharing stuff back in the days of Napster, Limewire, Kazaa, Morpheus, etc. You know the type. It shares every MP3 on your hard drive and everyone got bored at some point and typed "POOP" and one song is still pretty popular on streaming services until this day to still bring a little revenue since 2015.

In 2003 I decided to make a real album and abandoned it after shipping 30 free cd-rs out to people that wanted a free one around the world. I was going to use back when their catalog had custom CDs, as to not lose money. Now with the discovery of TrepStar I will finish the job! El Pee's deluxe edition has EVERYTHING from 1999-2003 in forty tracks for you to enjoy for $15. If you buy a second for a friend its now $12.

In 2005 I fucked around with another friend recording The Cherry Brown Fiasco collab while we also worked on doing voices for a college blackjack game called No Limits Blackjack which led to Will and Jerry a few years later.

In 2006 I started what would be come a four disc storyline called "Welcome To The Wonderful World Of Cherry Rounders" and every song's story or subject would lead to the next song and so on. I abandoned this after realizing my old friends were kind of dicks and I didn't want to go through with it even though it was for them. In 2015 I put things on streaming and forgot. It was the same as the file sharing accidental ordeal. I checked two years later and had almost a thousand dollars just from that same song.

Yes, I am aware there's another artist using the same exact hat that got famous first now lol. His name is Muck Sticky and he had topped the iTunes comedy charts at #1 with one of his songs, far more viral than Cherry will ever be. So when new albums come out, after nearly 20 years, Cherry Rounders will no longer sport the orange hat from big lots in 1999 with the green polkadots. Either the cover won't have his face or hat, or it will make more sense as a red tophat anyway.